Wednesday, September 09, 2015


Making these promo materials is
my destiny.
While I'm busy tweeting about hating my job (which ends NEXT WEEK) and never blogging, sometimes I also do improv/comedy things in person. This week! I have two! Shows!

First, tomorrow, Thursday, September 10 my 2nd place Troika group Useful Knots will be roping audiences into LOVING US at the monthly Monsters of Improv showcase at Honey MPLS in Northeast along with three other lovely groups. 7:00 p.m., donation-based admission. They have foods and fancy beverages and there is a weirdly charming pole in front of the stage. Come see us!

Friday, September 11 (never forget) is our second Pantsuit Comedy Showcase at 10:00 p.m. at the Phoenix Theater in Uptown. I will be passing hosting duties on to (Other) Lauren & Kristen, but we will be performing as Bitches with Books. Also performing are improv duo Transvaginal Mesh and standup Jenn Schaal. I will then host the Pantsuit Pop Quiz, a trivia/comedy competition we force our performers to participate in for your amusement. Tickets are $7. We also have showcases scheduled for 10/9 and 11/13. Make the second Friday of each month your special lady comedy night!

If you would like to see more of my trivia hosting stylings and also PLAY ALONG I will be hosting my own trivia night starting in October on Sundays at Sweeney's Saloon in St. Paul at 7:00 p.m. I will quiz your team on obscure knowledge and mock you when you get it wrong, but like, in a really clever way so you like it. I'm very excited to have a regular microphone gig, you should totes come!

Wednesday, September 02, 2015

Pluggin' Around

Pluggers is a comic that still exists and is still terrible. Let's see what these biological monstrosities are up to!
Pluggers are definitely a bordering demographic to those doomsday preppers who try to live off the grid so TBH, I'm a little surprised Pluggers recognize government-issued paper money and haven't declared themselves Sovereign Citizens who only adhere to the gold standard.

We all know "retire" really means "got a restraining order after you stole a bunch of their prescription pads to feed your massive pill addiction."

I don't think that measly "memory vitamin" is going to dig you out of that near-constant k-hole, Mr. Dog Plugger. Keep trying, though.

 Pluggers don't know how to tie their own shoes.

 Pluggers are on the cutting edge of fashion.