Friday, December 09, 2011

What I'm up to

I know all .2 of you who aren't my Facebook friends and therefore don't get to see my constant finals/procrastination whine-a-thon are like, "What is Lauren doing since she released her last awesome video? Also, remember when she used to actually write posts?" I am not sure who you are talking to. Each other? Yourself? Me? Anyway, I'm trying not to fail out of school/life right now, but I've got some more (slightly-less-epic) recipe videos ready to be edited and I've also been working on a secret Twilight project since I sucked down a bunch of vodka at a The Twilight Saga: Breaking Dawn: Part 1: Mostly Boring Wedding Crap screening a couple of weeks ago. I will give you a taste of the awesomeness/crazy ridiculous time-suck on my part to come:

We all do, Jacob. We all do.

Anyway, at least there's new Very Mary Kate. She's funny and also has a real camera.

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