Sunday, February 15, 2009

Random technologies to be grateful for

I blogged this for my class blog and figured I might as well use it to take up space here, too! (I am so lazy.)

1. The fly ribbon. I have an insect situation in my kitchen sink area, and the $1.99 sticky strip from Walgreen's is collecting a satisfying amount of fly corpses.

2. Muffin tins. I was able to loan them to some friends who are making cupcakes because I believe a home is not a home unless you've got cookie sheets, pie tins, cake pans, muffin tins, bread pans, and cooling racks, at the very least. Who thought of making the pans have little cup shapes in them for tiny cakes and breads? Genius! It's so interesting how baking is so easy and produces such delicious results, and yet so many people never do it. My mom is a fabulous baker and all of us in the family can make a mean batch of cookies. Although, in the cases of my sister and me, those abilities may have been augmented by spending a disproportionate amount of time baking things for Mormon young women's activities.Perhaps one day I will bake for the class to demonstrate my superior skills. I will be very vigilant in keeping the flies out of the batter or dough.

3. TV on DVD. Best. Idea. Ever. Some people say, "I never see you out," and I reply, "That is because my boyfriend and I buy big handles of booze and drink at home while marathoning any number of TV shows on DVD. It is awesome and does not require us to leave my house."

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