Sunday, May 10, 2009

Hello dear blog-readers (if there be any of you left)! It has been an intense few weeks what with doing actual work so I can not fail out of grad school and have to get a real job--this in combination with a tireless search to actually find not-terrible job(s) for the summer since I will be here taking classes and not assist-ing with the women's studies until fall again. Luckily, I turned things in for all my classes! Three papers of adequate length and quality! Here are this semester's paper titles*: 1. Edgy or Icky? Daria as an Immanent Critique of Postfeminist Popular Culture 2. Bloggers, 527s, and Vietnam: How the Internet Made Swift Boat Veterans for Truth 3. Raising a Monster Army: Militaristic Masculinity and the Recruitment of Free Digital Labor Yes, I read many articles and book chapters and then wrote these things and I turned them in and now the semester is over and I'm a little confused about not having something I should be working on. I am practicing just lying on the couch, not doing anything but playing with the internet. Not that this is much different than the school year, mind you, but this time I am not actually slacking. No, now I am filling my time by 'staying informed' about celebrity gossip and the latest Colbert videos while 'maintaining vital relationships' via Facebook stalking. Later I will be going grocery shopping, as it has been many many moons and all I have left in my house is some spaghetti, granola bar flavors I don't like, frozen limeade, and mini-tortillas. I have been eating a lot of mini-tortillas (perfect hangover/drunk food), and am left actually with only regular sizes of tortillas now. I must remedy this. In other news, Karaoke Jesus spent a very long several days graduating and moving out and having her entire extended family including a small child and an overly pissy mother of said child over constantly while I was trying to finish my last paper and then, like, sleep. I was going to miss her loud, sincere singing a little bit until this recent series of events and now say GOOD RIDDANCE and have fun in Austria or whatever because even though we've never met I hear EVERYTHING that you and your LOUD family and friends have ever said inside your apartment which is pretty much inside my apartment. Also, the neighbor known as Mesh, popular for wearing only mesh shorts in front of his TV, snoring quietly, and once banging on the wall while I was drunkenly trying to play the guitar and sing at 4:00 in the morning has appeared to have moved out also. I eagerly look forward to these apartments being filled by equally lovely folks. Or better yet, staying empty all summer. Too bad the kids who play loud, crappy crappy music with too much bass before 8:00 in the morning (NOT AN EXAGGERATION I HATE THEM I HATE THEM) are not moving out at this time also. Alas. Ooo! Last night was grad student prom (a party, not an actual school-sponsored event):
Hot hotness, right?
Anyhow, I will be doing a library job and a psychology/language-y/research job this summer and taking one class during the two summer sessions. I may have less sleeping-all-day time, but I plan on being very relaxed and hopefully making my clever and adorable presence, like, more present on this here blog. Anyway, I'm off to keep laying on this couch. Love, pinkipoos, and to finishing that fucking semester finally! Laurenzo *In humanities/cultural studies, subtitles are pretty much required. Duh.

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